What is RSS?
What does RSS Stand For?
RSS is the easiest way to stay informed on your favorite topics. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS allows you to create your own online newspaper (a news feed) that is customized to your interests.
What is a RSS Feed?
RSS Feed providers, such as our ShopWithTrust.com web site, publish articles on pretty much any topic imaginable. For example, ShopWithTrust.com publishes articles that helps consumers become more comfortable using the internet, learn how to shop online safely, and alert users to new weekly sales for stores at their local mall and shopping center. Other web sites may publish articles (feeds) about sports, politics, weather, jokes, coin collecting, and just about any other subject.
Although many web sites do not explain RSS, you probably do not realize that many of the web sites you recently visited are RSS Feed providers. You no longer have to take time to visit each and every one of your favorite web sites, news sources, or blogs to get their most recent news. Your own online newspaper (RSS feed reader) will give you the headlines and summaries from all of those sources in one location!
What is an RSS Reader?
An RSS Reader is used to collect the RSS Feeds from your favorite web sites. The RSS Reader will provide access to all of the up-to-date news from the moment you turn on your computer and internet connection. The RSS Reader will also provide a link to your favorite web site so you can read more details or related articles. If you use the most current version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) internet web browser, which is included with most new computers, you already have a RSS Reader. You just need to learn how easy it is to use. Whether you use the IE7 RSS Reader or one of the others noted below, there is no cost for using RSS. Start now! We'll show you how. Soon, you will be able to define RSS for someone who asks you, "What is an RSS Feed?".
*The Easiest RSS Reader - You are just three mouse clicks away with IE7*Our Favorite RSS Reader - MyYahoo! for use with any browser and accessible anywhere
*Apple's Safari RSS Reader
*Other RSS Readers
Set up your News Reader
The Easiest Way. Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) from Microsoft is the easiest program to use because it is the default web browser that comes with most new computers. Read our article that explains the three mouse clicks it takes to use the RSS Feeds from ShopWithTrust.com, Macys.com, Walmart.com, and others. It doesn't get easier than 3 mouse clicks. You will have instant access to the latest news and promotions.
Our Favorite Way. Our favorite news reader is provided by Yahoo! It always works whether we use Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.
Yahoo! makes it is easy to add new RSS Providers, and it provides a great summary of all the headlines from all of your favorite web sites on one page. Yahoo! guides you through the set-up at Yahoo! RSS. However, we'll add some additional suggestions below for each page you will see at Yahoo! RSS, in case you want more help.
- Go to Yahoo! RSS
- Click on the 'Get a Page' button.
(The big yellow button near the top right of your screen.) - If you have a My Yahoo! account, click on 'Sign In' and go to Step 4 below. ('Sign In' is the big yellow button near the top right of your screen.) Otherwise, follow the next set of instructions (A-C) to help you through the My Yahoo! account set-up screens.
- Click on 'Sign Up Now'.
(It is just below the big yellow button called 'Sign In' near the top right of your screen.) - Click on the 'Sign in' button. Even if you don't have a Yahoo account, select 'Sign in'
(Near the top right of your screen.) - If you have a Yahoo! ID, Sign-In to your account and go to Step 4 below. Otherwise, follow the next set of instructions (i-iv) to create a Yahoo! ID.
- Click on 'Sign Up'.
- Fill in the required fields to create the Yahoo ID.
- Click on 'Create My Account!'
(Near the bottom right of your screen.) - Click on 'Continue to My Yahoo'
(You do not need to change anything on this page.)
- Click on 'Sign Up Now'.
- Click on 'Yes Please'
(Near the top center of your screen where you are asked if you want to personalize your page.) - Select Next to Confirm your Location and your Interests.
(Your location should already be filled in for you based on your Yahoo ID registration information.)
(Your interests should already be filled in based on where you live. If you don't want some of these items, you can uncheck the box next to that interest. You will be able to add more interests later.)
You are now Done creating a my Yahoo account.
Adding 'Feeds' to your My Yahoo! News Reader
Add ShopWithTrust.com To add our web site's newsfeeds to your My Yahoo!, click on the My Yahoo! logo:
You will see our RSS headlines presented on a My Yahoo! web page. Select 'Keep' when asked if you want to keep this content.
Going forward, everytime you open your myYahoo web page, you will see recent news published by ShopWithTrust.com. You can make this myYahoo page your home page if you want this page to be the first one you see when you open your Internet Web Browser.
Add other web sites. Whenever you see web pages you like, look for the My Yahoo! logo:
You can easily add their RSS feed to your My Yahoo! web page by clicking on it.
If you do not see the My Yahoo logo and you use the Firefox web browser, look for the RSS logo:
When you click on this RSS logo, Firefox will give you a choice to select a few different RSS news readers, including My Yahoo!
Congratulations! You now have a My Yahoo account. The great feature of My Yahoo! is it allows you to see all of your headlines on one page. Some of the other feed readers noted below only allow you to see headlines from one web site at a time. My Yahoo also allows you to see your local news, weather, sports, TV schedule and more all on your personalized My Yahoo page.
Other News Readers
Web Browsers
Most of you have Microsoft's Internet Explorer or a customized version of it provided by your internet service provider. The newest version is called IE7 and includes a news reader. To use it, click on the RSS logo:
whenever you see it on a web page. An IE7 RSS Reader will open up where you can click on 'Subscribe to this feed'. (It will be near the top of the web page).
To see your headlines in the future, open up your IE7 browser, click on the yellow star near the top left of the screen, and then click on 'Feeds'. If you do not see the yellow star, you can also go to 'View' on the top menu bar, select 'Explorer Bar' and then click on 'Feeds'.
IE7 only allows you to view the headlines from one web site at a time rather than seeing all the headlines from all of your RSS providers on one page like My Yahoo. However, IE7 provides a very nice feature which allows you to find and view only certain headlines. As an example, IE7 will allow you to restrict the headlines to only the ones that include the name of your favorite retailer on the ShopWithTrust.com web site. You can use this feature by selecting the options provided in the right column of the IE7 RSS Reader.
Apple's Safari also provides a RSS reader. To use it, all you need to do is click on the RSS logo:
The Safari RSS Reader will open up where you must click on the 'Add' sign (+) near the top left of your screen and give a name for this new RSS bookmark.
To see your headlines in the future, open up your Safari browser, click on the open book symbol near the top left of the screen, and then click on 'All Feeds' (in the left column).
By default, Safari only allows you to see the headlines for one web site at a time. However, you can follow simple instructions provided by Safari to place the headlines of all, or just a group, of your favorite web sites on one page. You can find the instructions by opening the Safari Help, typing 'RSS' under 'Index' and then picking the help topic called 'Viewing RSS pages'.
In addition to the 'easy to use' My Yahoo! button that we provide throughout our web site, we also provide the 'easy to use' add buttons for other popular Feed Readers.
Good Luck
Our goal is to make you comfortable using the ever expanding internet. We especially want to reach out to online beginners and let them know it is not too late to get started. We offer the tutorials Internet Help for Beginners, Internet Security for Beginners, and Lessons for Experienced Users. Think of a family member or friend who may find this web site helpful and forward it to them today. We wish you Good Luck and an Enjoyable Journey on the Internet.
ShopWithTrust.com provides easy access to trusted retailers. We keep things simple for you by only listing stores with a long history of name recognition. We would like to be your one stop source for online shopping with stores like Macy's, Target, Walmart, and Best Buy. Thank You and Best Wishes.